Organizations should take care not to brand or sell products resulting from these efforts without conducting a careful investigation and instituting formal contractual arrangements if necessary. 组织在没有进行仔细调查和安排必要的签署正式协议的情况下,应该当心不要命名和出售由这些努力产生的产品。
For more contractual arrangements, we need to have a more formal approach. 对于偏向于契约安排的情况,我们需要一种更加正式的方法。
These contractual arrangements may not be as effective as direct ownership in providing us with control over our variable interest entities, 'it says. 文件中说,在让阿里巴巴拥有对可变利益实体的控制权方面,这种合同安排的效力可能不如直接的所有权。
Local Chinese parties generally prefer less detail in their contractual arrangements, said David Blumenfeld, a Shanghai-based partner at law firm Paul Hastings. 普衡律师事务所(PaulHastings)驻上海合伙人布卢门菲尔德(DavidBlumenfeld)说,中国当事方常常不愿在合约性协议中做出详细规定。
National laws and regulations shall not prejudice any right of the shipowner to recover the cost of repatriation under third-party contractual arrangements. 国家法律和条例不得妨碍船东根据第三方契约性安排收回遣返费用的任何权利。
14 Private property rights, hierarchical rankings, regulations, customs and religion –– all are in my view contractual arrangements of different types. 私有产权、等级排列、法例管制、风俗宗教,等等,以我之见,都是不同形式的合约安排。
There will not be a contract renewal charge if both parties wish to continue with existing contractual arrangements. 如果双方希望继续现有的合同协议,则无须收取更新费用。
Providing clear, accurate advice on contractual arrangements for prospective contracts as part of the Invitation to Bid process. 为邀请招标过程中预期合同的安排提供清晰、正确的建议。
In a world of empowered resource-holder governments and high oil prices, contractual arrangements have to accommodate governments 'economic, political and increasingly symbolic demands. 在当今资源所有国政府权力强大,以及油价高企的国际背景下,合同安排必须与政府的经济、政治以及日益具有象征性的要求相适应。
In particular, the knowledge I have gained on transaction/ institution costs and on contractual arrangements are mainly the fruits of learning from the experience of China. 尤其是我在交易或社会费用与合约安排的知识的增长,主要是从中国的经验学习得来的成果。
After the venture is established, commercial activities are carried out in the form of contractual arrangements. 合资企业成立后,经营活动通过合同实现。
A Research on the Contractual Arrangements Spectrum of the International Iron Ore Market Investigation on the vegetation of iron tailing wasteland in Shilu, Changjiang, Hainan Province 国际铁矿石市场的契约安排频谱&审视国际铁矿石价格机制的新视角海南昌江石碌铁矿尾矿库区植被调查
Meeting of the Ad Hoc Panel of Experts on Contractual Arrangements on the Pharmaceutical Industry 制药工业合同安排特设专家组会议
On the basis of firm theory, we argue that strategic alliance is a kind of contractual arrangements with certain structure. 我们以企业理论为理论基础,认为战略联盟是一种契约安排,从而具有一定的结构;
Then we discuss deeply connotation, dimensions such as economies of complementarity, economies of specialization, transaction scope and so on, which provides the basis of our arguing the relationship between intermediate goods and contractual arrangements. 我们对中间产品的内涵以及中间产品的专业化经济和互补经济、中间产品的交易范围等维度进行了深入讨论,为我们论证中间产品与契约安排的关系奠定了基础。
Industry associations is the main market transactions to reduce transaction costs and reached a series of contractual arrangements, which spontaneously formed by the Member, in the market activities, and industries for the logo is of mutual benefit, non-profit, non-governmental social organizations. 行业协会是市场交易主体为了减少交易成本而达成的一系列合约安排,它由会员自发成立、在市场中开展活动、以行业为标识,是互益性、非营利、非政府的社会组织。
There are different models of the contractual arrangements of laying off rights of accounting rules under different governance structures. 不同企业治理结构下,会计规则制定权的契约安排具有不同模式。
The parties in question may prevent the occurrence of the oppression of shareholders in advance through contractual arrangements, which however, is restricted by the mandatory regulations of company law. 当事人为了防范股东压制,可以通过事先的合同机制实现,但是这受到公司法强制的制约。
Enterprises are made up of a series of contracts, the change of enterprises 'organization brings about the corresponding alteration of contractual arrangements, which are used to regulate all kinds of relations among or between enterprises. 企业是一系列契约的联结,企业组织形式的改变使得作为规制企业内部或企业之间各种关系的契约安排发生了相应变化。
Also, the dissertation studies the contractual arrangements between venture capital and entrepreneurs when business incubators and venture capital cooperation or not, which the study provide new means to solve venture capital and entrepreneurs 'moral hazard means. 同时,文章研究了科技企业孵化器与创投合作与否时创投与创业者的契约安排,为解决创投与创业者道德风险提供新的途径。
Besides, the bargaining power of human capital dynamically changes with the growth of enterprise, so the contractual arrangements should adjust accordingly. 而由于人力资本的谈判力的动态变化,企业合约设计还应随着企业成长的不同阶段而相机调整。
In the end, this paper proposes to strengthen the government oversight and implement a flexible system of contractual arrangements to wash out backward production capacity. 最后,提出了加强政府监督以及推行灵活的合约安排制度来淘汰落后产能问题的政策建议。
Transaction costs is to determine the main determinants of the contractual arrangements, transaction costs, in turn, limited rationality and opportunism of people and transactions uncertainty, transaction frequency and asset specificity joint decision, in which the asset specificity of its particularly important role. 交易成本是决定合约安排的主要决定因素,交易成本又是由人的有限理性与机会主义及交易的不确定、交易频率与资产专用性共同决定的,其中资产专用性其特别重要的作用。
Under many circumstances, Cross-boarder Equity Transfers are conducted through contractual arrangements, therefore the principle of Party Autonomy to Contract is also one of the important principles solving the application of law issues for Cross-boarder Equity Transfers. 多数情况下,跨国股权转让是通过协议进行的,所以意思自治原则亦是解决跨国股权转让法律适用的原则之一。
Applying the theory of economics, this chapter proves that three legal relations are inevitable contractual arrangements. 本章借鉴经济学理论阐明了三大银政经济法律关系是实行市场经济的必然的合约安排。
But in the real world, contractual arrangements are various, in gradual transition. 但在现实世界中,合同安排的形式是非常丰富的,是渐进过渡的。
The author asserts that all the contractual arrangements in the iron ore market can be connected into a continous and incrementally chaning spectrum, which makes the contractual arrangement a continuous variable. 笔者认为,铁矿石市场上各种与定价方式直接相关的契约安排可被串联成一条连续渐变的契约安排频谱,这使得契约安排成为一个连续变量。
The results shows when a disease can not be completely cured, medical side bear the full responsibility is not optimal contractual arrangements, the responsibility should be shared by the hospital and the doctors. 研究结果表明,现有研究结论认为当发生疾病不能被完全治愈的情况时,医方承担全部医疗责任风险并非最优的契约安排,最优契约安排下医疗风险应该由医院与医生共同承担。
However, after analysis of the three sub-market price mechanism separately, through contractual arrangements, axes organically combine three sub-markets into a whole, and allow us to study the interrelationship between the various sub-markets. 但是在单独分析三个子市场的价格机制后通过契约安排坐标轴将三个子市场有机地合并成为一个整体,并研究了各个子市场间的相互关系。
The research focuses on the contractual arrangements in the investment process, information asymmetry, and investment patterns. 研究主要集中在投资过程中的契约安排、信息不对称、投资模式等方面。